Sunday, August 27, 2006


Rush Results!

FINALLY RUSH WEEK IS OVER! Around 1:00 today we got these envelopes that had the sorority invitation in them. I was FREAKING OUT.....but i opened it and it said Delta Delta Delta (my favorite one) and i was so excited. I screamed and ran around the hall a few times. Then I found out that 4 other girls on my hall that I have become friends with were TRi-Delt too. Then we went to Bowman and ran down the hill to our sororities. We got t-shirts, bumper stickers, keychain things, monogrammed bags..all kinds of stuff. After that we went to a place called the retreat and ate. The theme was western and the front of our tshirts says "bid day 2006 tri delt" and the back has a colorful cowboy boot and it says "Delta Delta Delta- How the Best was won" and at the retreat everything was western like the food and decorations. I am pretty excited. Tomorrow night at a Beth's apartment (a sophomore in tridelt) we are making a homemade slip-n-slide so that should be really fun. Also, our first function is Fall Band and that is where you get a date and go to the retreat and there is a band and you dance and stuff. After that we have "TriDelt Roundup" and we go get our dates and blindfold them and dont take the blindfolds off until we are at the dance so that should be fun too. anyways....i have some pictures..ENJOY:)

It looks as if you are having a GREAT time!! I am so glad!! I really enjoy reading your blog!! Can't wait to see you!! Be safe !! Love You!!
I am having a great time reading this too!! I am glad you are enjoying everything so much :) Hope we see you soon..:)

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