Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Virginia and Emmett Kerr..through the years.

I thought ya'll would enjoy these lovely yearbook photos of Emmett and I through the years. Oh how he have changed!!! I always thought those hairstyles were so cool back when I was young and now I am looking back and what was I thinking? I mean that afro and that shag just don't work with the shape of my face. Isn't it just amazing!
okay on a serious note though....i got FREAKED OUT once I looked at these again because Emmett looks just like Dad and I look just like Mom. Some of these pictures I thought I accidently put mom's picture in....weird how that genetic stuff works! and Mom I think you actually used to have that hairstyle in the 4th picture.....hahahaha LOVE YA!
School is going well. I am a little stressed about waiting tables and doing class at the same time....which makes me think I might need to find a lower stress we will see. I am in charge of the Derby Days dance team and I am also Tigerama chair. For those of you who do not know, Derby Days is a week long philanthropy for the fraternity Sigma Chi, and Papa (as in Gayle Kerr) was a Sigma Chi at USC. It's kind of cool how I can get involved in something that Papa did back in the day. Tigerama is the skit competition held at Homecoming each year so that should be fun! Tom and Sherry came for Parent's Weekend last weekend and we had a great time! They were huge hits with all my friends...It has almost been a week and I still have people coming up to me telling me that they heard by parents were really cool (and that my dad is a good way....but ya'll already know that right?)
Funny Story:
Today I was riding on the CAT bus which is the campus bus that takes you to class. The bus was especially packed today so I had to stand in the aisle and hold onto those handle things that hang down. Well.....there was heavier-set black girl standing in front of me. So on this beautiful October 1st morning the CAT bus driver woke up with lead in his foot and it just so happened to slam on the brakes at very unfortunate times. As we pulled around the last curb I let out a sigh of relief knowing that this trip was almost over. I was wrong. As we pull to the last stop the driver takes one more slam on the brakes and what happens? I am not quite sure....but I do know that I was on my back on the floor of the CAT bus with a heavier-set black girl on top of me and she couldn't get up. So about 30 Clemson students had the pleasure of enjoying a good morning laugh watching the awkward white girl get sandwiched to the bus floor. It was a great day....
I love ya'll and hope to see you soon....
p.s. Shannon, Bryce, and Mary.....I need to see those babies! I still haven't! Who do you think I am chalk liver? (emmett quote)

hahah I meant to comment on these and forgot! I love them ehehhhe...I especially like Emmetts blonde bangs hanging out of each "wig" he has on! I did these a while back but lost them on our computer that broke :(
BJ is coming today, so we are excited about the weekend. Have a good Friday!
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